The subject planner is based on a clustered timetable as follows:
Up to date information will be available in the Student Portal at the time of subject selection for each study period.
This planner is relevant to Torrens University and Think Education students in the trimester study periods (Trimester 1, Trimester 2 etc.) only.
Main study periods
T1 = Trimester 1 | T2 = Trimester 2 | T3 = Trimester 3
Optional study periods
T1B = Term 1B | T2B = Term 2B | T4 = Trimester 4
Delivery mode
Online |
Online or on-campus
Data last updated: 10 December 2024, 2:37pm Sydney time
Swipe to see full subject content.
Subject Code | Subject Name | Core/Elective | Pre-requisites | T1 | T1B | T2 | T2B | T3 | T4 |
An old, inactive course may be displayed.
Please check the course code or spelling of the course name, then search again.
If you have checked that you have selected the right code and name and still cannot find your course, please report this to Student Support.
First check that you have selected the right course code/name. There may be more than one version of the course depending on when you were admitted.
Check that the subject is part of your course. You can do this by looking on your course page.
Business | Design | Technology | Education | Health | Hospitality | Higher Degrees by Research | English Language
An old, inactive course may be displayed. Please check the course code or spelling of the course name, then search again.
If you have checked that you have selected the right code and name and still cannot find your campus , please report this to Student Support.
Subjects may not be offered in all study periods.
The information in this subject planner is indicative and subject to change.
Up to date information will be available in the Student Portal at the time of subject selection for each study period.
A pre-requisite is a subject that must be completed before enrolling in a specific subject.
A co-requisite is a subject that you must have either previously passed, or are studying at the same time as another related subject.
Core subjects are mandatory for your course and must be completed to graduate.
Electives are subjects that you can choose allowing you options to explore areas of interest or to specialise in certain fields. Electives, when added to your core subjects, make up the total number of units needed to complete your degree.