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Student Hub: Enrolment Basics

What is enrolment?

Enrolment is the process by which you select and register for subjects in a particular study period.

You may make changes or withdraw from a subject(s) in accordance with the key dates for each study period.

Please note that applying for and being admitted to a course is different from enroling in subjects! After you are admitted, you must enrol in subjects each study period to maintain your place in your course.

Your guide to planning and selecting subjects and classes

There are 2 steps to making sure you plan your studies and course.

Step 1: Plan your studies

Understand your course, plan your year, plan your trimester

Step 2: Select your subjects

Enrol in your subjects for the study period

The basics 

A person using a laptop checking off virtual tick boxes

Enrolment checklist

Fees policies

Overhead view of iPad, book and keyboard

Understanding key dates

A person standing in front of a wall with shapes sorted into groups

Course credit & RPL

A person using a laptop with illustration arrows left and right on a blue background

Changing your enrolment

 A person in a grey jumper poitning to their name badge, against a red background

Changing your details

Student ID card

A person checking email on their mobile

Student email

Enrolment support

Torrens University Australia/BMIHMS

1300 575 803

Outside Australia +61 2 7253 7533

Think Education

1300 209 112

Outside Australia +61 2 7253 7533

Contact hours


8am to 12am (midnight)

Tuesday - Friday

Available 24 hrs


12am (midnight) to 10am



Student using a campus printer

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