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Student Hub: Accessibility

Accessible learning

If you are attempting to manage the demands of study as well as an ongoing health condition or accessibility need, or you are the primary carer for a person with accessibility needs, you may be eligible for academic adjustments and other supports.

Torrens University Australia (TUA),Think Education and Media Design School (MDS) can offer access to reasonable adjustments and can provide advice to future students regarding support services.

If you identify as having an accessibility need or condition that may impact on your ability to complete your study, talk to us about the resources and support available.

Contact us

TUA & Think Education students

Email us

MDS students

Email us.

Accessible support information


If you have a diagnosed accessibility need, learning difficulties, an ongoing mental or physical health condition or are the primary carer for a person with accessibility needs, you are eligible to apply for a Learning Statement of Access.

Relevant information

Students are encouraged to reach out to discuss their individual needs and hear about relevant support. Alternatively, students can submit a Learning Access Application with recommendations from their health care practitioner, which can be submitted in order to create a support plan. Please refer to the policy documents and resources on this page for more information about this process.

Other considerations

In order for us to support you optimally, we encourage you to contact us before the beginning of your first trimester. Ideally, TUA and Think students should contact Accessibility Services to ascertain the most appropriate and reasonable adjustments to your individual circumstances.

For MDS students, send us an email to discuss how we can best support you.

Application process

We encourage you to engage with the following resources and information to apply for accessible adjustments to support your studies. 

  1. Accessibility Resource Pack for Students (Student fact sheet: Studying with accessibility needs)
  2. Procedure for requesting reasonable adjustments
  3. Learning Access Application
  4. Accessibility Policy

Links to these documents can be found below.

MDS students should contact our Disability Advisor.

Alternatively, you can also submit a Learning Access Application with recommendations from your care practitioner.


Disclosure of an accessibility need or medical condition is a personal choice. In order for us to provide adequate support in a timely manner, we encourage you to consider disclosing your accessibility needs as soon as you foresee your condition will impact your studies.

In some circumstances, we need time to process an application and organise support. We will always endeavour to make provisions and eliminate barriers to student success; however, we cannot guarantee that all requests will be immediately implemented.

What adjustments are available?

We strive to ensure that we can provide targeted and individual supports to each student based on their specific needs and concerns. Some of the adjustments we may be able to provide include:

  • Early enrolment
  • Learning materials in accessible format
  • Changes to student presentation and group work
  • Movement in class
  • Recording lectures
  • Assignment and exam – extensions and modifications
  • Other exam modifications (Breaks, food and drinks or exam time)
  • Alternative room for exam
  • Deadline extension for assignments
  • Special equipment
  • Furniture Aids

We will always endeavour to accommodate a student’s reasonable adjustments, but the university acknowledges it does have limited resources and facilities. 


The following agencies can also provide information, support and advocacy:  

Am I eligible to request accessibility support?

If you have accessibility needs, learning difficulties, or a mental or physical health condition that impacts your study, you are eligible to request both informal and formal support from the university. Accessibility needs may be permanent, short-term or fluctuating in nature, and is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. 

What is a Learning Access Application?

A Learning Access Application is a document students can submit in order to be given a Learning Statement of Access. It provides information about the impact of your accessibility needs, mental health or medical condition on your studies, and identifies services and any alternative assessment adjustments that are being requested to support your studies. Once completed, your Learning Access Application should be submitted to the Accessibility Advisor. Alternatively, students can book a consultation with Accessibility Services for an individual needs assessment to determine relevant support.

What supporting documentation do I need to request accessibility supports?

Required documentation may differ depending on individual circumstances and needs. Students are encouraged to book an appointment with Accessibility Services to discuss their specific situation and for guidance on accessing support.

What is a reasonable adjustment?

Reasonable adjustments are modifications to a student's learning experience that balance the interests of both the student and relevant staff involved in the implementation, which do not affect the academic standards or inherent requirements of a subject or course.

What are inherent requirements?

The fundamental abilities, skills and knowledge that all students need in order to successfully complete a course or program, regardless of their accessibility needs, because they are essential to the relevant career.

How is confidentiality and privacy handled?

We understand the private nature of the information that you may disclose to us in relation to your medical condition or accessibility needs, and we will respect the privacy of that information. Your documentation and information only need to be shared with the Accessibility Advisor, who will work with other University staff on your behalf in order to implement any required adjustments. We will not disclose information to any person outside the University without specific written consent unless the University is required by law to provide the information.

Further information about the University’s approach to supporting students with accessibility needs can be found in the Accessibility Policy.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP)

If you study on campus and have a medical or mental health condition or a physical disability, you may require a personal emergency evacuation plan. Please ensure you communicate this to the Accessibility Advisor so they can assist in creating an evacuation plan that takes into consideration your needs.

You do not need to submit a Learning Access Application or have a Learning Statement of Access in order to have a PEEP. This is about keeping you safe in case of an evacuation.

Learning with reading and writing assistance

All students are able to access assistance with reading and writing through a range of available software and resources. This includes licenses for Office 365 online, Read&Write technology as well as Echo360 accessible lecture recordings.

For more information, please contact Accessibility Services.

Students with approved adjustments

Implementing a Learning Statement of Access

Students with approved requests for support will be issued with a Learning Statement of Access, which clearly states the formalised and pre-approved adjustments which have been allowed for the student.

Students are responsible for communicating the reasonable adjustments approved in their Statement by sharing their Learning Statement of Access with academic and teaching staff at the beginning of every trimester, or as proactively as possible, to ensure relevant staff have a clear understanding of student needs in order to support and implement the approved adjustments.

If you require a copy of your Learning Statement of Access, please contact Accessibility Services to be issued with this document.

Some adjustments related to specialised equipment and software will be organised during the application process, whilst academic adjustments will require timely communication with Academic and Campus staff, which the Accessibility Advisor will facilitate.

Timeframe for communication

Deadline extension: Requests for late submission of assessments need to be communicated by the student to the lecturer no later than 3 days before the deadline.

Assessment format modification: Modifications to assessment format require advice from Program Directors. When a student requires assessment in alternative format, lecturers will need to be advised by the student at the beginning of each trimester.


Students are responsible for notifying Student Services and teaching staff of any approved adjustments that affect their examination two (2) weeks prior examination week.

Plan Review

Your treating health practitioner will recommend the duration of the adjustments and you can request a review of the arrangements at any time. All other Learning Statements of Access will be reviewed at a minimum of every 2 years.

If you change your course, campus or study mode, your Learning Statement of Access will need to be reviewed.