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Student Hub: Emergencies

Torrens Global Education is committed to the health, safety and security of all people who work, study, visit our campuses and other workplaces or have the potential to be affected by our activities.

These general emergency guidelines are a support tool for all staff and students and should not replace your local Emergency Response Plan (ERP).

Emergency Contacts

Australia on a world globe marked by a push pin


For all emergencies, dial 000

Fire | Ambulance | Police

New Zealand on a world globe marked by a push pin

New Zealand

For all emergencies, dial 111

Fire | Ambulance | Police

Emergency Procedure Flipchart

Possible Reasons to Evacuate

Fire event, Power Outage, Gas leak or Bomb Threat.

Evacuation Advice
1 Remain Calm. DO NOT run or shout, as this may cause others to panic or become injured.
2 Alert nearby staff members.
3 Follow the advice given by Emergency Wardens or Building Management.
4 DO NOT re-enter the building until it has been declared safe to do so by the Chief Warden or Building Management.
  • Know where your building assembly point is
  • Know who your wardens are
  • Take only essentials with you
If you see Fire or Smoke, or other emergency situations – Remain calm & remember
R- Rescue Rescue any people in immediate danger (only if safe to do so).
A - Alarm  Raise the alarm – ring the emergency services (Fire, Ambulance, Police). Notify the staff members in charge.
C - Contain If practicable, close all doors and windows to contain the fire (only if safe to do so).
E - Extinguish Try to extinguish the fire using appropriate fire extinguishers only if you are trained and it is safe to do so.
After carrying out R.A.C.E.

Follow the instructions of your Fire/Emergency Wardens.

Prepare to evacuate if necessary.

If evacuating, make your way to the designated assembly point.

  • Know where your building assembly point is
  • Know who your wardens are
  • Take only essentials with you
  • Know where your building assembly point is
  • Know who your wardens are
  • Take only essentials with you
In the case of a bomb threat, do the following:
1 Remain calm and courteous. DO NOT antagonise the caller. Details of any bomb threat should be recorded on the Threat Checklist or available notebook.
2 Do not hang up or transfer the call (unless requested).
3 Ask where the bomb is located and when the device will explode or substance be released.
4 Take note of background sounds, caller’s gender, speech patterns and accent.
5 Attempt to notify another staff member to escalate.
6 Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
7 After the caller has hung up the phone, ensure the threat has been reported to Security or Police if deemed credible.
8 Alert your nearest Emergency Warden or seek Security advice.
9 Follow the evacuation procedures for bomb threats if deemed credible.
If you feel threatened, do the following:
1 Do not place yourself at risk.
2 If safe, follow the offender’s instructions (do not put yourself in harm’s way).
3 Attempt to de-escalate the situation however avoid getting into an argument.
4 Keep a safe distance between yourself and the offender.
5 Take note of exits or other possible escape routes and try to get as close as possible.
6 Activate the duress system (if available).
7 If able to do so contact the Police.
8 Call for assistance from a staff member as soon as possible.
9 Observe continuously any objects touched or presented by the offender.
10 Record description of offender, what was said, touched etc. as soon as possible.
11 Isolate the area if possible until assistance arrives (Police).
Mental Health First Aid Action Plan
A Approach, assess and assist with any crisis.
L Listen non-judgmentally.
G Give support and information.
E Encourage appropriate professional help.
E Encourage other supports.
Seeking immediate help in Australia?
  • Emergency – Dial 000 in Australia or 111 in New Zealand
  • Lifeline: Dial 13 11 14 or
  • Kids Helpline: Dial 1800 551 800
  • Suicide Call Back Service: Dial 1300 659 467
If you are responding to someone who has self-harmed, try to be calm and control your emotional response.

For emergencies in Australia dial 000, if in New Zealand dial 111 and ask for assistance.

You can also alert your designated First Aiders.

1 Ensure person's immediate safety – find a Counsellor or alert a helper if available.
2 If the person is seriously injured call Emergency services.
3 Reassure the person and stay with them until appropriate help arrives.
An internal emergency is an event that has occurred within your Campus building.
 1  Evaluate your response and assist persons in immediate danger.
 2  If the event requires Fire, Police or Ambulance, dial Emergency services.
 3  Contact Campus Director or Security (if known).
 4  Follow instructions of the Emergency Wardens or Building Management.
 5  If evacuating, follow local procedures.
An external emergency is an event that has occurred within your Campus building.
1 If the situation requires Fire, Police or Ambulance, dial 000 for emergency services.
2 Confirm details with Campus Director or Security or Building Managers.
3 Assess and coordinate the safety of occupants. This may involve sheltering within the building or evacuating to an alternate safe location
4 Follow instructions from your Emergency Wardens or Building Management.
For emergencies in Australia dial 000, if in New Zealand dial 111 and ask for assistance.

You can also alert your designated First Aiders.

Follow the DRSABCD Action Plan:

D - Danger Ensure the area is safe for yourself, others and the patient.
R - Response

Check for response: Ask name, squeeze shoulders.

  • No response: Send for help.
  • Response: Make comfortable, monitor response.
S - Send for help Call 000 Emergency Services for an ambulance or ask another person to make the call.
A - Airway

Open mouth - if foreign material is present:

  • Place in the recovery position.
  • Clear airway with fingers.

Open airway by tilting head with chin lift.

B - Breathing Check for breathing - look, listen and feel.
Not normal breathing: Start CPR.
Normal breathing: place in recovery position, monitor breathing

Start CPR - 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths.
Continue CPR until help arrives or patient recovers.

D - Defibrliation

Apply defibrillator if available and follow voice prompts.

If you or another person are in Danger you should dial 000 Emergency Services or Campus Security (if known)

Seek support from your Campus Counsellor who will have undertaken trauma training.

Services Available
Talk to a First Responder Visit the 'First Responders' tab on the Respect. Now. Always. page for full listing of campus-based First Responders who can assist you in managing the incident.

You can make a report here.

1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732 for 24/7 phone counselling.
National Universities 24/7 Support Line 1800 572 224 (Respect. Now. Always).
Sexual Assault Counselling Australia 1800 211 028 for referral services.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Confidential free counselling services for employees
Phone: 1800 81 87 28 or (02) 0247 9191 or email them.